Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Day 6 of 33 - Reducing Debt "Share your story"

Day 6: Share Your Story

Sharing my story is what I am doing right now. I am so glad I did this because it has helped us to get the ball moving on reducing our debt. We have talked with good friends, found good information and started to take action against our debt. Since I have started blogging this, we have created a (temporary)budget, consolidated our credit cards and kept up motivation to continue the struggle.

I am really fortunate to have great friends and family. I am currently trying to find a part time job in order to get back in positive territory with our finances. I am pretty picky when it comes to jobs, so it may take a little while. I have to be picky because I work a pretty demanding sales job about 10 hours a day. Anyway, I will continue to share my story and hopefully my success with getting out of debt!!

1 comment:

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